Happy Anniversary - The South Dakota V. Wayfair Inc. Decision | TaxConnections
It’s been just over a year since the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its landmark decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair Inc. on 6/21/18. This key ruling paved the way for states to enact economic nexus legislation and thereby more easily require companies to collect, remit and report sales tax. This decision quickly changed the sales tax world in a big way, particularly for on-line retailers, but also for many other companies.The Supreme Court’s ruling in June 2018 overturned the Quill decision of 1992 which established physical presence for nexus standards. The Wayfair decision established the concept of economic nexus, but did not automatically make economic nexus the law of the land for all 50 states. The High Court’s decision was that South Dakota’s economic nexus law was constitutional. Since this ruling, most states have enacted some type of economic nexus legislation as it pertains to sales tax. As we describe in a previous blog, economic nexus is based upon the amount of sales or number of transactions in the state. If a certain threshold is met, nexus is deemed to be created. For instance, in South Dakota, economic nexus is created in if an out of state company makes sales of products or services into South Dakota in excess of $100,000 or has 200 or more transactions.What have We Learned?