During this holiday season, we want to reach out to extraordinary tax professionals who want to increase success in their business. For TaxConnections, success means building an online platform that enables taxpayers to connect with a wide range of tax professionals with specialty expertise worldwide. What makes TaxConnections distinctly unique from any other media site for tax professionals?

It turns out that tax professionals who position their specialty expertise on our platform have received a very big gift – higher visibility and greater privacy online. The focus of this article is to explain how valuable this privacy gift is for you.

Our business strategy has always been to protect the privacy of our members with the online platform we built.  It is important for tax professionals to have a highly visible brand that is easily found online, and not blocked by paywalls that prevent others from reaching you. More importantly, when you discover the amount of data behemoth social media sites are now tracking on you, take a more thoughtful approach to how you market your tax expertise online.

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