If I could advise all tax leaders on retaining their valuable tax staffs, I would advise them on the number one reason tax staff turnover in an organization in the first place. The best retention strategy for leaders of tax organizations is to learn what we have discovered speaking privately with over 250,000 staff level tax professionals over thirty years on why they decide to leave a tax organization. They primarily give us the reason as lack of training and learning. This is one of the most overlooked retention strategies in every tax organization. Your tax team wants more training, so it is vitally important to provide continuous training to your tax staff. In this post, I will share about a training program that is valuable and free to your organization. For the understaffed tax manager/tax director/VP Tax, I want to share with you a program I discovered while speaking with Eric Larson at Source Advisors (Eric.Larson@SourceAdvisors.com). On a complimentary basis, Eric will arrange a team of experts to train your tax team on R&D Tax Credits. Yes, for free! Why is it free? Simply, they want to get you to know them and what benefits they bring to you.
While speaking with Eric, I also decided to learn about GOAT.tax which does the R&D tax credit work for your organization. What I discovered was amazing to learn because it is so easy to use, it is free to use, and it is supported on audit. If you are not familiar with GOAT.tax, I highly recommend you contact Eric about free training and education how to claw back tax savings through R&D tax credits. Complimentary training for your tax team will do wonders for your tax organization retention strategies. Eric organizes these training opportunities privately for corporate and public accounting tax organizations. Eric will speak with you about arranging a special training session just for your tax team. You staff retention will be higher with frequent training sessions.
If you have training needs in other tax areas, please contact me at kat@taxconnections.com and I will connect you with high end tax experts who would love the opportunity to train your tax teams on tax topics of interest to you.
Contact Source Advisors at this link: https://sourceadvisors.com/source-advisors-taxconnections-featured-offerings/ PR reach Eric directly at Eric.Larson@SourceAdvisors.com to set up complimentary R&D tax credit training for your entire tax organization.
REGISTER FOR TRAINING SESSION STARTING THIS MORNING AT 10:00AM CST: https://www.taxconnections.com/taxblog/join-us-thursday-july-18th-for-a-cpe-webinar-on-%c2%a7-174-updates-2/
OR Contact Eric to set up a complimentary training session just for your tax team.
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