Section 482, Comparable Uncontrolled Transaction, Comparable Profits Method

Tax Court in Brief | Medtronic, Inc. v. Comm’r | Section 482, Comparable Uncontrolled Transaction, Comparable Profits Method

Short Summary: This opinion regards a transfer pricing, comparable uncontrolled transaction (“CUT”), comparable profits method (“CMP”), and deficiencies in tax totaling approximately $548,180,115 for 2005 and $810,301,695 for 2006 against taxpayer Medtronic, Inc. and its consolidated affiliates. The underlying transactions—being the transactions for which deficiencies were determined—stemmed from a long history of third-party settlement agreements in medical device patent litigation, assignments of patent royalty rights, related-company agreements and licenses and valuation of consideration exchanged in those agreements for, but not limited to, patents, royalties, litigation settlements, product liability risk assumptions, self-insurance risks, and other.

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