Arizona HB 2204 Proposes Unusual Tax Breaks For Crypto

The Arizona House and Senate approved HB 2204 and sent it to the governor on June 29. This bill adds new reductions to Arizona gross income for the value of virtual currency and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) received from an airdrop. Apparently though any future appreciation would not be subtracted from gross income. While not clear, I assume these tax-free airdrops will have zero basis for Arizona and a gain when disposed of.

In addition, gas fees not already added to the taxpayer’s basis in virtual currency or NFT is also a subtraction from gross income. I’m not clear what this means for basis.

HB 2204 includes definitions for gas fee, NFT and virtual currency. The virtual currency one matches the IRS definition in Rev. Rul. 2019-24 on hard forks – “s a digital representation of value that functions as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a store of value other than a representation of the United States dollar or a foreign currency.”

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