One of the tax options given to a minister is the ability to opt out of social security. This is a step that should be taken after a great deal of deliberation, as the decision is irrevocable. In order to opt out, the minister must file Form 4361 and certify that he or she opposes, either conscientiously or because of religious principles, the acceptance of any public insurance (with respect to services performed as a minister), including social security and Medicare coverage. Note that the objection is to the use of ministerial earnings for public insurance. Economic considerations or other non-religious reasons are not valid factors for opting out. Unfortunately, many likely opt out for economic reasons. Some faith groups actively promote opting out for their ministers.

The minister opts out only in relation to ministerial earnings. If he or she is employed in a Read More

An ordained minister occupies a unique niche in the United States tax code, as he or she is a dual-status taxpayer. A minister is an employee for income tax purposes and is self-employed for social security and Medicare. This dual status has frequently been the source of confusion for both ministers, churches, and tax preparers. A complicating factor is that a minister may opt-out of social security and Medicare but that is a topic for another time.

It is proper for the church to issue a W-2 to the minister. A 1099-MISC is an incorrect treatment in this instance, although many churches do issue 1099-s to their ministers. Some churches do not fully understand their own tax-exempt status and do not give the minister any tax documents at year end. Obviously, this is also improper. Read More

A minister occupies a unique niche in the United State tax code. He or she is considered an employee for income tax purposes, but self-employed for social security and Medicare. In addition, a minister is eligible for a housing allowance that is not subject to income tax, and has the choice to opt out of social security and Medicare.

Because of this unique tax treatment accorded ministers, it is important that the individual be properly qualified as a minister in order to receive this that treatment. One is not classified as a minister just by claiming to be one. The IRS has not directly addressed the issue of who is a minister. However, five factors have emerged that must be considered:

1. The person must be ordained, licensed, or commissioned by a local church or Read More