Long ago, drafters of foreign assets protection trusts (FAPT) realized that courts might hold grantors in contempt because they wouldn’t repatriate assets from a foreign jurisdiction into the U.S. To prevent this outcome, drafters included a “duress clause” in a FAPT document. This clause states that should a court threaten a U.S. grantor with contempt, he will not only be stripped of any power to control the trust, but will also lose all trust benefits.  This should allow the US grantor to argue that compliance with the repatriation order is impossible. The Anderson case, which I discussed in my last post, dealt a serious blow to this strategy. Lawrence v. Goldberg – the topic of this post – adds another nail in the “duress clause” coffin. Read More

Long ago, attorneys that drafted foreign asset protection trusts (FAPTs) recognized that a court could eventually force their client to disgorge assets. They used several strategies to prevent an actual payout. A “duress clause” – which I discussed in my last post – was one such tactic. Another was to place assets into a family member’s name — a tactic was used in Solow. But like the taxpayer in Lawrence, Solow lost, invalidating this structure. Read More

Hale Stewart, Captive Insurance

I thought it would be inappropriate to continue my “Hurricane Harvey and Captive Insurance” series while Florida was dealing with Hurricane Irma. But now that the worst is over, I wanted to continue my train of thought. Last week, I showed that controlling the claims process is an incredible advantage to owning a captive. This is especially beneficial during a large catastrophe because your captive won’t be flooded with non-parent company claims, slowing down the settlement process. Read More

The Importance of Controlling the Claims Process

I live in Houston, Texas. And while the last few weeks have been understandably difficult, I could not be prouder of my city or state. Watching the first responders work tirelessly for days was awe-inspiring. Seeing large numbers of people risking their lives to help rescue their fellow citizens was one of the greatest acts of selflessness I have personally witnessed. Kudos should also be given to numerous city, county, state and federal employees who swiftly and efficiently responded to the disaster. Read More

I divide the insurance market between “third-party insurers” and “captives.” The former are large, publicly-traded insurance companies. “Asset-liability management” — the science (or art, depending on your perspective) of timing the payment of liabilities with investment income — forces this group of companies to favor predictable risks. For example, suppose an insurer has a claim payable in 12 months. Their investment department will purchase an asset that will mature when the claim comes due. Unpredictable risks complicate this relationship, explaining why the large insurers shy away from these policies. Read More

Hale Stewart, Asset Protection

High net worth individuals are loathe to transfer assets to any entity over which they have no control. This fact creates an unresolvable problem when forming an offshore asset protection trust: so long as a U.S. person can exert even a modicum of control over a foreign entity, a U.S. court has sufficient grounds to rule that a U.S. based debtor can repatriate assets. More importantly, failure to comply with a repatriation order could lead to contempt citation against the U.S. debtor. The facts of Federal Trade Commission v. Affordable Media typify this problem. Read More

My knowledge of popular culture is at best limited – and quickly declining. I know who Kanye West is. That’s it. But despite my less than literate knowledge of popular culture, this story from the Washington Post perfectly illustrates why he should have had a captive: Read More

Hale Stewart

High net worth individuals are loathe to transfer assets to any entity over which they have no control. This fact creates an unresolvable problem when forming an offshore asset protection trust: so long as a U.S. person can exert even a modicum of control over a foreign entity, a U.S. court has sufficient grounds to rule that a U.S. based debtor can repatriate assets. More importantly, failure to comply with a repatriation order could lead to contempt citation against the U.S. debtor. The facts of Federal Trade Commission v. Affordable Media[1] typify this problem. Read More

One of the primary objections I hear from insurance agents about captives is that commercial policies are comprehensive.  But, the devil is really in the details here — or, more specifically, in the legal precedent interpreting the policies.

For example, how comprehensive is a duty to defend?  On the surface, the wording looks pretty iron clad.  But there’s a big split among the states as to what duties this actually encompasses: Read More

In re Portnoy, 201 B.R. 685 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y., 1996) — a 1996 Bankruptcy case – was the first in a series of decisions with a foreign asset protection trust. As with most foreign trust cases, the fact pattern alludes to several areas of law – asset protection, bankruptcy, conflict of laws and trusts. Here are the relevant events in chronological order.

3/87: Portnoy guarantees all loans and debt of his company Mary Drawers (MD) Read More

Hale Stewart

Manufacturing has gone through a fundamental change over the last 50 years. Previously, companies stored parts on site, using them when required by the manufacturing process. Now, everybody uses a “just in time” system, where parts and materials are delivered right before they are used.

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