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How To Get To The Top of The Tax Profession

After many years of coaching tax professionals on how to succeed in the profession, what I observed and discovered over and over again was their path to the top roles of tax organizations! After years of study, the one characteristic repeatedly observed of successful tax professionals was their ability to sell themselves and their ideas to those around them! Without question, I would answer today with, “A tax professional’s success will be significantly affected by how well they market and promote their tax expertise and reputation online.” My prediction is that tax jobs of the future will be held by tax professionals who proactively promote their tax expertise and reputations online. Tax professionals who do not actively and consistently promote themselves online will be left in the shadows! Tax professionals who make the effort to market themselves online will lead the race to the top!

For years, successful organizations were built through corporate brands. No longer is it “the brand” that people hire as buyers want to know much more about the person inside the building! This focus on personal tax branding will be hugely advantageous to early adopters of the new marketing technology only available through TaxConnections. Knowing that tax professionals innately enjoy the complexity of the tax work they do and have little extra time to market themselves, figured out a way to market tax professionals online. Tax professionals who adopt the marketing technology now available to them through TaxConnections will surely catapult themselves to the top of the tax profession in a much shorter period of time!:

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