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You will discover you have access to complimentary eBooks on United States Tax Treaties, Global Tax Authority Representatives,
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Independent tax advisory firms are growing much quicker than most people may realize. With Big Four firms retiring Partners at age 55, law firms rising expectations of their Partners, corporations replacing tax roles with increasing automation, and baby boomers retiring; the landscape for tax professionals worldwide is quickly changing. It is inevitable to see the rise of the independent tax services providers out on their own. What corporate, public accounting, legal and academia all have in common are tax professionals who desire to continue to work in their prime of tax knowledge and expertise. We saw this trend coming with the launch of and created a platform for independent tax advisors to work remotely from any location globally. We have spent years building a tax professionals virtual office platform.

According to Internet Facts Stats

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Building your revenue pipeline is an integral part of your business and this program helps you build it in a three-part webinar series. The webinar series has the goal of building your sales plan for 2017 and includes: Rethinking your sales mindset – it’s about being a trusted advisor not a salesman; Defining your target market so you can stop wasting time chasing the wrong leads; Creating your own unique strategies to reach potential clients; An interactive step-by-step process to achieve your goals; Working copies of templates and checklists to create your plan for 2017 and keep yourself accountable.

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William Byrnes

This consultation aims to gather views on whether there is a need for EU action aimed at introducing more effective disincentives for intermediaries engaged in operations that facilitate tax evasion and tax avoidance and in case there is, how it should be designed.

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Top Tax Blogs from 2015

During 2015 readers of TaxConnections Worldwide Tax Blogs arrived from more than 200 countries and spent an average of 12:45 during each visit. These are mighty numbers and they are due to the tax experts who joined our community and submitted their tax expertise and blog posts throughout the year.

We would like to congratulate our top tax blog contributors and link you to the top posts this year. We are grateful for the journey we made with you throughout the year and look forward to enjoying a successful 2016 with you.

Check out the top 20 Tax Blogs in 2015!

Story of A Good Citizen Who Reports Foreign Bank Accounts But Forgets FBARs! Huh? – Manasa Nadig

How To Live Outside The United States In An FBAR And FATCA World – John Richardson

Read This Before Tossing Old Tax Records – Barry Fowler

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Congratulations to Peter Scalise of Prager Metis CPAs, LLP who received the highest number of searches to his tax professional profile page on TaxConnections during 2013. With more than 7125 views in the year, everyone would like to know how Peter had so many prospective clients paying attention to his tax services. The answer is he utilized every feature available on to build visibility and trust for his tax services and expertise. Marketing experts know that you need to build familiarity with clients first, familiarity builds trust, and trust is why people come to you for tax services. There are many of our gold annual members who made it to the top of the search results in TaxConnections including: Brian Mahany, Hugo van Zyl, Kathryn Morgan, Howard Liebman, Larry Langdon, Steven Potts and so many others who took the lead in marketing their tax reputations online Read More