
In one click, an interactive Worldwide Directory of Tax Professionals!

What is

TaxConnections gives tax professionals in corporations, public accounting firms, law firms, government tax agencies, tax consultancies, sole proprietorships and academia a platform to build a strong tax brand identity. More than one billion people search for tax help online each year; we make it easy to find you in the Worldwide Directory of Tax Professionals.

Why is TaxConnections so important to Tax Professionals?

Consumers are discovering that TaxConnections is an easier, faster and smarter way to locate a wide range of tax expertise around the world. People come to TaxConnections to find your tax expertise and that is why it's important for you to be seen here!

What is the difference between a Consumer Membership and Tax Professional Membership?

Consumers have the ability to Find a Tax Professional, Ask Tax Questions, read Tax Blogs and take Tax Polls. Tax Professionals have many extra benefits available to them as members. These additional benefits are focused on improving your online visibility and tax brand identity.

What added benefits are offered to Tax Professionals?

There are many benefits including: Tax Professional Profile, Tax Boardroom (Virtual Tax Office), Book of Contacts, Tax Library, Video Conference, Worldwide Tax Events Calendar, Social Media Coverage, and many new releases coming. Most important of all is that you control your online tax brand, while we ensure that everyone can find you and connect with you!